When it comes to supporting people who are homeless, it’s a team effort; we work with a wide variety of local organisations to ensure a person gets the right support tailored to their needs.
In the third of our ‘Insights’ blog series, Craig, a Housing Navigator on Shropshire Council’s rough sleeper team, explains how he works with us, and why we play a vital part in the accommodation-finding process for people who are experiencing homelessness.
Craig’s role is to support people using our services, and other people experiencing homelessness to move into accommodation.
In the last week of February, Craig says there were four successful moves for people going from being street homeless.
He points out all of these were of a different nature:
Person 1 – rough sleeping for three months for the first time in their life due to relationship breakdown, has moved into social housing.
Person 2 – is moving into a private rental, he has been homeless for the first time in his life.
Person 3 – is a lady moving into women’s refuge after sustained domestic abuse.
Person 4 – is moving into supported accommodation after a section 21 no fault eviction (the legislation to end them hasn’t passed yet).
Craig says that what leads people to becoming homeless is incredibly varied from job loss, relationship break downs, substance issues, mental health… the list is endless.
“When people are referred as street homeless, the Rough Sleeper Team inform me, and they are presented to Housing Options to complete a housing application. They are then referred to The Ark,” he explains.
“The Ark works as a meeting point because people who are experiencing homelessness come here and feel safe; I know by coming to The Ark I will be able to see the people I need to help.”
It’s a team effort
Craig points out teamwork starts with the person who wants to improve their own outcome.
“The Ark supports that and finds out their immediate needs – how do we keep this person safe and well? Then the wrap-around care (the council, mental health team, domestic abuse team etc.) can come to The Ark and it acts as a safe hub.
“Without The Ark – the work would not happen,” says Craig.
Barriers to finding accommodation
There are barriers for a person living on the streets to finding accommodation.
“The problem can be that the council have ‘no duty’ (this means you might be intentionally homeless or are homeless due to issues you can control), and we are also restricted by the shortage of affordable private rental accommodation,” says Craig.
Tenancy for housing is on income alone – the amount that can be paid by the council is capped and under 35’s can receive around £400 a month. Any extra cost towards rent and bills are paid for by the individual.
“People cannot get accommodation because they don’t have an income but can’t get a job because they are homeless – it’s really challenging for everyone,” he points out.
However, if people have duty, the council housing officers will find them a property. They can look at Shropshire Homepoint, on which people are judged on band 1 – 7, rough sleeping counts as band 4, and 1 is the highest.
“If we can’t find someone accommodation, we work on what will improve their outcomes, working with alcohol misuse, training courses, whatever will improve their life and their outcome. We never give up on anyone.”
Everything we do to support vulnerable people in our community is because of your generosity – huge thank you!
We NEVER charge for our services, and as a charity we are totally reliant on donations and grants, and our team of amazing volunteers to operate.
With the added costs to employers, such as the increase in National Insurance contributions (we employ 11 people), and the increase in energy prices, our operating costs have risen.
We are seeing a massive increase in younger people needing our services; if you don't have the safety net to stay at home till your 30's, such as if you are coming out of care, many do end up on the streets.
Please support our ‘Keep the Ark Afloat appeal - by donating today, you are providing vital support and dignity to those who have nowhere to live.
You can donate to our Keep the Ark Afloat appeal here, or you can make a donation directly into our CAF bank account here.
If you are looking for a volunteer role, either at the day centre or at our shop, please get in touch.
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