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Shining a light on our Trustees

Trustees’ Week (7-11 November) puts the spotlight on 11 of our very special volunteers – our trustees.

Under section 177 of the Charities Act 2011, the legal definition of a charity trustee is:

The persons having the general control and management of the administration of a charity.

Being a trustee for any charity is a significant responsibility. As the governing board, trustees ensure the charity carries out the purposes for which it is set up; for the Ark, this is provision of support to homeless and vulnerable people in Shrewsbury.

Our trustees

From strong fiscal and business acumen, to pastoral and communication skills each of our Trustees brings different experience and skillsets to the Board. Their decisions are always in the charity’s best interest, and they act with care and skill to ensure the charity is accountable, and resources are managed responsibly.

While some are retired, and others are working full time for other organisations or running their own businesses, they are all busy working behind the scenes, juggling their ‘Ark time’ with family, and the other personal responsibilities and commitments.

And some of them have served this charity for many years.... Pictured below (left to right) are Ian Somervaille, Annie Waddington-Feather and Tony Sharp receiving their long-service award; between them have served as Ark trustees for nearly 50 years.

Our trustees are innovative and resourceful, meeting regularly and coming into the Ark to support staff and clients.

Our Chair Emily Bell can often be found cooking up a treat in the kitchen.

Meet all our trustees here.

Making a difference in changing times

This year, the theme of Trustees’ Week is ‘making a difference in changing times’.

And indeed, the past two years have seen some changing, if not challenging times at the Ark; maintaining services in the pandemic and then moving to our new premises earlier this year but to name two!

But like all our volunteers, our trustees adapt to the changes, and continue to be dedicated to supporting those who have no home and other vulnerable people, and giving people opportunities to make positive changes to their lives.

Like all other charities, in the current economic climate, the trustees are facing new challenges.

The Ark is facing increasing costs; the move to new premises and cost of living has seen operating costs raise, particularly for energy and staff, and with over 50 people coming through our doors each day, there has been a significant increase in numbers of people calling on our services.

The trustees of The Ark are deeply committed to the charity, and are working hard to ensure that our income from donations and grants matches our forecast expenditure on the vital services we deliver.

We are the only day centre for homeless and vulnerable people in Shrewsbury, and we never charge for our services.

Thank you to the trustees of all charities; the positive impact you make as a trustee is invaluable to a sector that is now as important as ever to benefit society.

But we give a special thank you to our trustees.

Thank you for your time, commitment and effort to ensure the homeless and vulnerable in Shrewsbury continue to have somewhere warm and welcoming, and a safe haven away from the chaos in their lives, to go for support.

Your dedication is ‘making a difference in changing times’.

You can join our trustees in helping people make positive changes in their lives by:

- Making a donation via our page on the Charities Aid Foundation. Click here to make a regular or one-off donation online now. (Please remember to Gift Aid your donation – This means we will receive tax benefits and help ensure your donation goes further.)

- Shop online through the Give as you Live shopping website. Through this portal, retailers agree to give a percentage of your purchase to us, at NO cost to you. More information and sign-up details here.

- Call in at our shop at 14 Castle Street to make a purchase or donate unwanted items.

- Give us a shout out and follow us on social media: we’re active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

If you would like to join our team of Queens Award Volunteers, get in touch! We have lots of volunteer opportunities. Email us at or telephone us via 01743 363305 to register an interest.

If you’re concerned about someone sleeping rough, let us know about rough sleepers in your area via Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 or online at We will action your report, locating the person of concern, helping them to get off the streets as soon as possible and supporting them to remain in their own home.


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32 Castle Foregate  Shrewsbury  SY1 2EH

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Registered Charity Number 1163476

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