In the third of our blog series written by a person experiencing homelessness, Ian who we support, explains some of the recent and past challenges he's faced, and what his first word was - football! .

Managing emotions
I’ve not been blogging for three weeks as I fell out with my long-term partner. I have been drinking a bit more as a result – I usually respond aggressively when I drink but I am proud of managing my temper. Me and my partner have been working on our problems and we will be stronger as a result in the long term. My partner hates my drinking, and it gets me in more trouble than my drug use. Drinking is the common denominator in all the trouble in my life.
Walking away from trouble is hard when you live on the streets – half the town loves me, and half the town hates me. I am quick witted when people are rude to me.
I think I am feeling better because of my increased ADHD medication. I work with Lorna who is an ADHD clinician and it’s been an amazing experience. She is very respectful of me and introduced me to other staff who may be helping me. Now we are increasing doses gradually and it is helping.
I was fast tracked to the ADHD clinic, and it has worked so well in reducing my drug use because what the ADHD drugs do, replaces my need for illegal drugs.
Unable to vote
The election result wasn’t the one I wanted. I went through the process of getting registered to vote but wasn’t allowed to because I didn’t have a photo ID. It’s an injustice that the clients at The Ark were encouraged to vote and when it came to the day, we were told that we need something most of us don’t have.
Growing up in chaos
When I was a child growing up my dad’s illness affected us all, leaving Maplethorpe to move to Mansfield was my Dad’s choice – he wanted to move to the coast. I wanted to move back, and the authorities were aware of the chaos I grew up in.
Favourite football moments
Football became a passion that I lived for – my first word was football.
I was devastated by the Euros result. The first tournament that meant a lot to me was Italia 90 – Gazza crying was a moment for people my age.
My favourite player ever is Michael Owen , I followed his career, and he would be my mastermind subject. He captured my imagination, he is two weeks older than me, and I felt I could relate to him. He is the best footballer ever – it would be an honour to meet him.
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